Conda or Pip Build with Variant Depending on Availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX: A Comprehensive Guide
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Conda or Pip Build with Variant Depending on Availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of wrestling with package managers and environment variables just to get your optimization models up and running? Do you want to know the secret to building reliable and efficient packages that can seamlessly integrate with industry-leading solvers like Gurobi and CPLEX? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to create a Conda or Pip build that adapts to the availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free development experience.

What’s the Problem?

In the world of optimization, solvers like Gurobi and CPLEX are the bread and butter of many companies. However, these solvers can be quite finicky when it comes to package management and environment variables. Have you ever tried to install a package that requires Gurobi, only to find out that it’s not available on your system? Or maybe you’ve struggled to configure your environment variables to point to the correct CPLEX installation? If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone!

The ultimate goal is to create a package that can seamlessly integrate with Gurobi and/or CPLEX, regardless of their availability on the system. But how do we achieve this? Enter Conda and Pip, two popular package managers that can help us build variant packages that adapt to the solver landscape.

Understanding Conda and Pip

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of building variant packages, let’s take a quick look at Conda and Pip.


Conda is a package manager developed by Anaconda, Inc. that allows you to easily install, run, and manage packages and their dependencies. Conda creates isolated environments for your projects, ensuring that package versions and dependencies don’t conflict with each other. Conda is particularly useful when working with packages that have complex dependencies, like those in the optimization and data science domains.

conda create --name myenv
conda activate myenv
conda install gurobi


Pip is the package installer for Python, and it’s often used to install packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Pip is lightweight and easy to use, making it a popular choice for most Python projects. However, Pip can struggle with packages that have complex dependencies, which is where Conda comes in.

pip install gurobi

Building Variant Packages

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Conda and Pip, let’s dive into building variant packages that can adapt to the availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX. We’ll explore two approaches: using Conda’s variants feature and leveraging Pip’s extras mechanism.

Conda Variants

Conda’s variants feature allows you to create packages that can adapt to different environments and dependencies. By specifying variant values in your conda_build_config.yaml file, you can create packages that can seamlessly integrate with Gurobi and/or CPLEX.

# conda_build_config.yaml
    - with_gurobi
    - without_gurobi
    - with_cplex
    - without_cplex

In your conda.recipe/meta.yaml file, you can then specify the build dependencies and scripts based on the variant values.

# meta.yaml
    - {{ compiler('c') }}
    - {{ compiler('cxx') }}
    - {{ python }}
    - gurobi {{ with_gurobi }}
    - cplex {{ with_cplex }}

  - set -e
  - if [ "{{ with_gurobi }}" == "True" ]; then
      echo "Building with Gurobi"
      # Install Gurobi
  - if [ "{{ with_cplex }}" == "True" ]; then
      echo "Building with CPLEX"
      # Install CPLEX

Pip Extras

Pip’s extras mechanism allows you to specify optional dependencies that can be installed based on user input. By defining extras in your file, you can create packages that can adapt to the availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX.

from setuptools import setup

        'gurobi': ['gurobi'],
        'cplex': ['cplex'],
        'all': ['gurobi', 'cplex']

Users can then install the package with the desired extras using Pip.

pip install my_package[gurobi]
pip install my_package[cplex]
pip install my_package[all]

Example Walkthrough

Let’s create a simple package called my_optimizer that adapts to the availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX. We’ll use Conda’s variants feature to create a package that can integrate with either solver.

Step 1: Create the Package Directory

Create a new directory for your package and navigate into it.

mkdir my_optimizer
cd my_optimizer

Step 2: Create the conda_build_config.yaml File

Create a conda_build_config.yaml file with the following contents:

    - with_gurobi
    - without_gurobi
    - with_cplex
    - without_cplex

Step 3: Create the meta.yaml File

Create a meta.yaml file with the following contents:

  name: my_optimizer
  version: 1.0

    - {{ compiler('c') }}
    - {{ compiler('cxx') }}
    - {{ python }}
    - gurobi {{ with_gurobi }}
    - cplex {{ with_cplex }}

  - set -e
  - if [ "{{ with_gurobi }}" == "True" ]; then
      echo "Building with Gurobi"
      # Install Gurobi
  - if [ "{{ with_cplex }}" == "True" ]; then
      echo "Building with CPLEX"
      # Install CPLEX

Step 4: Build the Package

Build the package using Conda.

conda build .

Step 5: Install the Package

Install the package with the desired variant.

conda install --use-local my_optimizer[with_gurobi]
conda install --use-local my_optimizer[with_cplex]
conda install --use-local my_optimizer[without_gurobi,without_cplex]


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Conda and Pip, and how they can be used to build variant packages that adapt to the availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX. By leveraging Conda’s variants feature and Pip’s extras mechanism, you can create packages that seamlessly integrate with industry-leading solvers, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free development experience.

Remember, building variant packages is all about being flexible and adaptable. By providing users with choices, you can ensure that your package is usable in a variety of environments and scenarios. So go ahead, experiment with Conda and Pip, and create packages that can change the world!


Q: What’s the difference between Conda and Pip?
A: Conda is a package manager that’s specifically designed for data science and optimization packages, while Pip is the package installer for Python.

Q: How do I specify variant values in my conda_build_config.yaml file?
A: You can specify variant values using the variants keyword, followed by the variant name and possible values.

Q: Can I use Conda’s variants feature with Pip?
A: No, Conda’s variants feature is exclusive to Conda. If you want to use Pip, you’ll need to leverage its extras mechanism.

Q: What’s the best approach for building variant packages?
A: It depends on your specific use case. If you’re working with complex dependencies, Conda might be a better choice. If you’re working with Python packages, Pip might be more suitable.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on building with Conda or Pip and leveraging variants depending on the availability of Gurobi and/or CPLEX!

Q1: Why do I need to build with variants depending on Gurobi and/or CPLEX availability?

Building with variants ensures that your package is compatible with different solver libraries, making it more versatile and user-friendly. By accounting for Gurobi and/or CPLEX availability, you can cater to a broader range of users with varying solver dependencies.

Q2: How do I determine which variant to build with – Conda or Pip?

The choice between Conda and Pip depends on your project’s specific requirements and constraints. Conda is ideal for packages with complex dependencies, while Pip is better suited for packages with simple dependencies. Consider factors like package size, dependency complexity, and user base when making your decision.

Q3: Can I build with both Conda and Pip variants simultaneously?

Yes, you can build with both Conda and Pip variants simultaneously, but it requires careful planning and configuration. This approach allows you to cater to different user bases and provide more flexibility, but it may also increase build complexity and maintenance overhead.

Q4: How do I handle solver library dependencies for Gurobi and/or CPLEX?

To handle solver library dependencies, you can use environment variables, conditional statements, or configuration files to toggle between different solver libraries. This allows you to adapt to varying solver dependencies and ensure smooth package builds and installations.

Q5: Are there any best practices for maintaining and updating variants with different solver dependencies?

Yes, maintain separate build scripts and configuration files for each variant, and use version control systems to track changes. Regularly test and validate your builds to ensure compatibility and solver dependency integrity. Additionally, consider automating build processes and leveraging continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to streamline maintenance and updates.

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Package Manager Variant Mechanism Solver Integration
Conda Variants Gurobi, CPLEX