React-Admin Authentication: Path /auth-callback not found when deployed to Azure Static Web App
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React-Admin Authentication: Path /auth-callback not found when deployed to Azure Static Web App

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Have you ever struggled with setting up React-Admin authentication in an Azure Static Web App? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered the infamous “Path /auth-callback not found” error when deploying their React-Admin application to Azure Static Web App. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of React-Admin authentication and provide a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue.

What is React-Admin?

React-Admin is a popular, open-source framework for building admin applications in React. It provides a set of pre-built components and tools to simplify the development process. One of the key features of React-Admin is its built-in authentication system, which allows you to manage user access and permissions.

The Problem: Path /auth-callback not found

When you deploy your React-Admin application to an Azure Static Web App, you might encounter the following error:

404 Not Found
Path /auth-callback not found

This error occurs because the Azure Static Web App is unable to find the /auth-callback path, which is required for the React-Admin authentication process.

Understanding the Azure Static Web App Configuration

To resolve this issue, it’s essential to understand how Azure Static Web App handles routes and authentication. By default, Azure Static Web App uses the following configuration:

  • Routes are defined in the staticwebapp.config.json file.
  • The /api route is used for API calls.
  • The /auth route is used for authentication.
  • The /auth-callback route is used for the authentication callback.

In a React-Admin application, the /auth-callback route is used to handle the authentication callback from the OAuth provider. However, by default, Azure Static Web App does not recognize this route, leading to the “Path /auth-callback not found” error.

Solution: Configure Azure Static Web App for React-Admin Authentication

To resolve this issue, you need to configure Azure Static Web App to recognize the /auth-callback route. Follow these steps:

  1. Update the staticwebapp.config.json file to include the /auth-callback route:

      "navigationFallback": {
        "rewrites": [
            "source": "/auth-callback",
            "destination": "/index.html"
  2. In your React-Admin application, update the authProvider.js file to use the correct callback route:

    import { authProvider } from 'react-admin';
    const callbackUrl = `${window.location.origin}/auth-callback`;
    const authProviderOptions = {
      // Your OAuth provider configuration
      callback: callbackUrl,
    export default authProvider(authProviderOptions);
  3. In your Azure Static Web App configuration, update the routes section to include the /auth-callback route:

      "routes": [
          "route": "/auth-callback",
          "allowedRoles": ["anonymous"]

By following these steps, you’ve successfully configured Azure Static Web App to recognize the /auth-callback route, allowing React-Admin authentication to work as expected.

Additional Configuration Options

In some cases, you might need to configure additional settings to ensure React-Admin authentication works correctly in your Azure Static Web App. Here are some common configuration options:

Option Description
authCallbackPath Specifies the path for the authentication callback. Defaults to /auth-callback.
loginRedirectUrl Specifies the URL to redirect the user to after login. Defaults to /.
logoutRedirectUrl Specifies the URL to redirect the user to after logout. Defaults to /.

These configuration options can be set in the authProvider.js file or in the Azure Static Web App configuration.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of React-Admin authentication and provided a step-by-step guide to resolving the “Path /auth-callback not found” error when deploying to an Azure Static Web App. By configuring Azure Static Web App to recognize the /auth-callback route, you can ensure seamless authentication for your React-Admin application.

Remember to update your staticwebapp.config.json file, authProvider.js file, and Azure Static Web App configuration to include the correct routes and settings. With these changes, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of React-Admin authentication in your Azure Static Web App.

Additional Resources

For more information on React-Admin authentication, check out the official React-Admin documentation:

For more information on Azure Static Web App configuration, check out the official Microsoft documentation:

I hope this article has been helpful in resolving the “Path /auth-callback not found” error in your React-Admin application. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about React-Admin Authentication and Azure Static Web App deployment!

Why is the /auth-callback path not found when I deploy my React-Admin app to Azure Static Web App?

This issue usually occurs because Azure Static Web App (SWA) is a static site generator, and it doesn’t support server-side routing by default. The /auth-callback path is a server-side route that React-Admin uses to handle the authentication callback. To resolve this, you need to configure Azure SWA to handle this route as a proxy to your backend. You can do this by adding a proxy rule in your Azure SWA configuration file (staticwebapp.config.json).

How do I configure the proxy rule in Azure SWA for the /auth-callback path?

You can configure the proxy rule by adding the following code to your staticwebapp.config.json file: `
`”proxy”: {
`”/auth-callback”: “/auth-callback”
`. Replace `` with the URL of your backend API.

Do I need to make any changes to my React-Admin code to support Azure SWA deployment?

Yes, you need to update your React-Admin code to use the correct authentication callback URL. You can do this by setting the `callbackUrl` option in your React-Admin `AuthClient` configuration to `/auth-callback`. This will ensure that the authentication callback is sent to the correct URL.

What if I’m using a custom authentication provider with React-Admin?

If you’re using a custom authentication provider, you need to ensure that it’s compatible with Azure SWA and React-Admin. You may need to update your custom provider to handle the authentication callback correctly. Check your provider’s documentation for any specific requirements or configurations needed for Azure SWA deployment.

How can I test my React-Admin app with Azure SWA deployment locally?

You can test your React-Admin app with Azure SWA deployment locally by using the Azure SWA CLI. Run `swa start` in your terminal to start the Azure SWA development server. This will allow you to test your app locally with the same configuration as your production deployment.