How to Parse NS Section of DNS Query?
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How to Parse NS Section of DNS Query?

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If you’re a developer or a networking enthusiast, you’ve probably encountered the concept of DNS (Domain Name System) queries. One crucial aspect of DNS queries is the NS section, which stands for Name Server records. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of DNS and explore the NS section, learning how to parse it with ease.

Table of Contents

What is the NS Section?

The NS section, also known as the Name Server section, is a part of a DNS query response that contains information about the name servers responsible for a particular domain. It’s essential for the proper functioning of the internet, as it allows domain name resolvers to locate the authoritative name servers for a domain.

Structure of the NS Section

The NS section consists of a series of resource records (RRs) that contain the following information:

  • name: The domain name for which the name server is responsible.
  • type: The type of resource record, which is always NS (Name Server) for this section.
  • class: The class of the resource record, usually IN (Internet) for most DNS zones.
  • TTL: The time to live, which indicates how long the record is valid.
  • rdata: The actual name server information, including the domain name and IP address. IN NS IN NS

In the above example, the NS section contains two resource records, each specifying a name server ( and responsible for the domain.

Why Parse the NS Section?

Parsing the NS section is crucial in various scenarios:

  • DNS troubleshooting**: Analyzing the NS section helps diagnose issues with domain name resolution, such as misconfigured name servers or DNS propagation delays.
  • Domain ownership verification**: Verifying the NS records can confirm domain ownership and prevent DNS-based attacks, like DNS spoofing or cache poisoning.
  • Load balancing and failover**: Parsing the NS section is essential for load balancing and failover strategies, as it helps distribute traffic across multiple name servers.

How to Parse the NS Section?

Parsing the NS section can be done using various programming languages and tools. In this article, we’ll focus on using Python and the popular dnspython library.

Installing dnspython

Before we dive into the parsing process, make sure you have dnspython installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install dnspython

Parsing the NS Section with dnspython

Now, let’s create a Python script to parse the NS section:

import dns.resolver

def parse_ns_section(domain):
        answers = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, 'NS')
        for rdata in answers:
            print(f"Name Server: {}")
            print(f"  TTL: {rdata.ttl}")
            print(f"  Domain: {rdata.domain}")
            print(f"  IP Address: {dns.resolver.resolve(, 'A')[0]}")
    except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
        print(f"No NS records found for {domain}")

domain = ""

In this script, we use the dns.resolver.resolve() function to query the DNS server for the NS records of the specified domain. We then iterate over the responses and extract the necessary information, including the name server, TTL, domain, and IP address.

Common Challenges and Solutions

When parsing the NS section, you might encounter some common challenges:

Challenge Solution
Handling multiple NS records Use a loop to iterate over the NS records and process each one individually.
Dealing with missing or incomplete NS records Implement error handling using try-except blocks to handle exceptions like dns.resolver.NoAnswer.
Handling DNS server responses with variable TTLs Use the TTL value to determine the validity period of the NS record and adjust your parsing logic accordingly.

Best Practices for Parsing the NS Section

To ensure accurate and efficient parsing of the NS section, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a reliable DNS library or tool**: Utilize a well-maintained and widely-used DNS library or tool, like dnspython, to ensure accurate parsing and minimize errors.
  2. Handle errors and exceptions**: Implement robust error handling to handle scenarios like missing or incomplete NS records, DNS server timeouts, or network connectivity issues.
  3. Validate and sanitize input data**: Verify the input domain name and ensure it’s in a valid format to prevent parsing errors or security vulnerabilities.
  4. Use caching mechanisms**: Implement caching to reduce the number of DNS queries and improve performance, especially when parsing large datasets.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of DNS queries and the NS section, learning how to parse it with ease using Python and dnspython. By following the best practices and handling common challenges, you’ll be well-equipped to parse the NS section and unlock the secrets of DNS resolution. Remember to stay vigilant and keep your DNS skills sharp to navigate the ever-changing landscape of domain name resolution.

Frequently Asked Question

Want to master the art of parsing the NS section of DNS queries? You’re in the right place! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to get you started.

What does the NS section of a DNS query contain?

The NS (Name Server) section of a DNS query contains a list of authoritative name servers for a particular domain. It’s like a roadmap that directs the query to the right place for the answer.

How do I identify the NS section in a DNS query packet?

The NS section is usually identified by the opcode 2 (NS) in the DNS query packet. You can also look for the section header “NS” or “AUTHORITY” in the packet capture.

What’s the format of an NS record?

An NS record typically consists of a domain name, a type (NS), a class (IN), a TTL (time to live), and a list of name server domain names. For example: “ IN NS”

Can I have multiple NS records for a single domain?

Yes, you can have multiple NS records for a single domain. This is known as a “delegation” and is used to distribute the load among multiple name servers. Each NS record points to a different name server that’s authoritative for the domain.

How do I parse the NS section in a programming language like Python?

You can use a DNS parsing library like dnspython in Python. It provides an easy way to parse DNS queries and extract the NS section. You can then iterate over the NS records and extract the relevant information.

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